Cravenly stolen from Marianne Mancusi’s blog:
I could not stop laughing. This is every conversation I have with other writers every day on every writer list. What to do to promote your book that has nothing to do with writing books.
And, like a flake, I keep forgetting to pick the winner for the Narnia drawing of Sarah Beth Durst’s book. It’s….. BARRATT MILLER. Barratt, email me your address, and I’ll get that book to you when it releases.
The topic of process is an evergreen topic of course. Too bad Justine’s got it all cocked up. “Other writer are crazy…” Ha! No, she’s crazy. I’m right.
Carrie wants to know about sharing (Justine recently wanted to know the same, vis-a-vis word counts), which is interesting, because I’ve recently been taken to task for not doing enough of that around here. Am I not a writer? Then should not at least the occasional post contain some sort of tidbit about the writing I am ostensibly doing?
Unfair. They do.
But, in the interest of filling readers in, should they be curious, here’s a global update:
I’m finished with the revisions for Rampant, and I’m waiting for the next step. The book, as I mentioned recently, will be out in summer of 2009. This might be the only book I’ve ever written where I was still in love with it after the revisions were done. Usually, doing revisions is like being stuck in a small room or car or tent (you know, for those of you who lived the hobo’s life in Australia or New Zealand) with someone you care about deeply whose little foibles and personal habits start to grate on you after a while and then it’s like you need. To. Get. Away. From. Them. For a little while.
And then, after a certain amount of time, you see them again, and you love them again. But with this book, I still love it. We had some rough moments in the tent, but I don’t think we need some personal space right now. Curious.
I’m working on all the release extravaganza stuff for Rites of Spring (Break). That book will be out in 39 days. Preorder now! I love this book too! (It’s been ages since I finished the revisions.) I’ve can’t wait for other people to get to read it and see what I have in store for Amy & Co.
I’m writing the fourth secret society book. There is no title. There is also no word count meter. Sorry.
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