1) I went to see The Empire Strikes Back at the AFI Silver Theater with Sailor Boy and our respective parents. It was awesome. What a great film. (Don’t you just love it when you are reminded that things you loved as a child are actually worthy of your esteem and affection?) New Thing I Learned: John Ratzenberger, of Cheers and every Pixar film ever, was in Empire. He’s one of the dudes in the secret rebel base on Hoth. (IMDB tells me his character’s name is Rebel Force Major Derlin. Major Derlin, I salute you!)
2) I ate a squash that I grew from a seed. It was delicious. I also continued to eat lots of tomatoes, only some of which I grew from seeds (others of which I grew from seedlings). Also? Delicious.
3) I am dogsitting, and my parents are in town with Rio’s Uncle Harry, so that means that at any given time there are three rather hairy dogs in my house. Combine that with 100 degree temps that mean the dogs don’t want to go outside and… well… it smells a little doggy in here. I’m not gonna lie.
4) I have finally learned, after five years of living in DC, exactly where these “docks” are where everyone buys their crabs. I bought a half bushel there for the fourth. Not a single claw went to waste.
5) I think I saw half of one firework. I know, I know, and I call myself a DC resident!
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