Means “International Standard Book Number.” It is the official way that bookstores order books and make sure they are getting hte right book and the right edition (and not, say, the dozen other versions of Pride and Prejudice rather than the Penguin one). When you order using the ISBN, you get that book, and that book only.

Which leads me to my next point. I have an ISBN of my very own. My first. It’s bouncing, bubbly, truly fantastic. I’ll have to do the numerology of it later. 😉 Here it is:


Isn’t that pretty? I think it might be the nicest one I’ve ever seen.

Lo, little ISBN. How goes it? Aren’t you the cutest little thing! What a puddum!

So, if you happen to be in a bookstore 309 days from now (309!) — or heck, let’s say 300, because there’s pre-ordering — and you want my book, order it by number.

It’s got one.

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