Super Sale at Kindle on Killer Unicorns (and More!)

Just got some exciting news. Apparently one of my anthologies, Cast of Characters, is currently part of a super huge sale on Amazon Kindle, and you can get it for the ridiculously low price of $1.99.

So let’s add this up: twenty-eight stories, divided by $1.99 is… about fourteen cents a story.


My story is called “Hammer of Artemis” and it’s a killer unicorn story. It’s set during the Italian Renaissance, and those who are familiar with my books Rampant and Ascendant will recognize it as the origin story of something the unicorn hunters in those books hold very dear. It was so fun to write a story about the Order of the Lioness and the Cloisters when they were at their peak. Even Gitta of “Errant” is a unicorn hunter during the Cloisters’ decline. Margery is a hunter the way they were designed to be, much to the chagrin of her family and especially to her brother Andrew.

Check out this story and then check out the other twenty-seven in the antho. I’ve read a bunch of them and they’re in a variety of styles and genres — mystery, romance, fantasy, noir, women’s fiction, science fiction — there’s really a little something for everyone. It’s an amazing deal! Buy now!

PS: Just discovered that “Among the Nameless Stars” has finally gone free on Amazon as well! W00T! Great day, y’all.

Posted in anthologies

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