Mmmm… country music

Two important facts about me:

1. I don’t understand the vitriol against country music. I love it!

2. I stopped liking Sex and the City after Carrie was too stupid to realize that Aiden is a god. Dumb chit.

Anyway, mmmmm…. John Corbett. He’s so dreamy. And apparently, he’s also now a country music recording artist. Now despite the fact that there are some bizarre rhymes in this little ditty (rhyming “table” with “grateful” is an interesting choice) and he has an odd predilection for hugging his fellow bandmates, who all look like they escaped from prison in the seventies, it’s a pretty cool tune.

In the video, he does a lot of chilling, walking, and barbecue-eating with his country-western clad girlfriend, played by Bo Derek. Or perhaps not “played” so much, because they are together in real life. Bo Derek must be encased in some sort of time warp device, because she hasn’t aged a day in the last 20 years.

Mmmm… John Corbett. He can be as dorky and weirdly rhyming and mutton-chop sporting as he wants to. I think he’s the kind of goofy that I find unbearably sexy. I even liked him when he was doing that bizarre New Age riff in Serendipity. Beter than hangdog John Cusack, that’s for damn sure. What a dumb film that was.

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