I just remembered about doing the drawing for Beyond Cool and Unmasqued. Sorry, guys: deadline brain.
The winners are:
Amanda Ashby
First come, first serve on the books. Email me your address.
Today, I’m guest blogging at Plotmonkeys with a reprint of “Protect the Work” from a few weeks back. Drop by.
Speaking of Plotmonkeys, I just bought Julie Leto’s newest book, Stripped, on Audible.com. This is my first Audible.com purchase. It’s also the first Leto book (I have ’em all) that I’m getting in any version other than print. It’s also the first time I’ve gotten an audio version of friend’s book. How cool is that?
Now I’m so curious as to what an audio version of the SSG books would be like.
Speaking of, RITES OF SPRING (BREAK) awaits…
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