Another day, another blog post

Turns out I was on television yesterday, so that’s cool. Julie tells me I did not make a fool of myself. The introduction showed scenes from The Da Vinci Code and Bridget Jones’s Diary, and said my book was a combination of the two, so most of the pressure as off by that point.

Tonight is the season premiere of Veronica Mars. I’m so excited. I’m going over to a friend’s house to watch, since I don’t have TV. To prep, I ordered the season 1 DVD from Amazon, and since I have Amazon Prime, I get quick, free delivery. Unfortunately, I had it delivered to my Florida address rather than my DC address, so here I am, sans V. Mars. Curses.

So instead, here I sit, eating the pumpkin apple bisque I made from scratch (including the stock, and SB assures me it’s delicious) and watching Before Sunset, which invariably makes me cry. I have very very strong feelings about Before Sunrise, and they are mostly negative. Not because I think the film is badly made, but because I find it very difficult to watch. And though I like the characters more as they grow and mellow in the sequel, it’s still very difficult to watch, because it’s so real. They are less like characters and more like people. The scene in the taxi of Before Sunset makes me cry. Every Single Time.

That’s it. Nothing earthshattering or particularly enlightening today. We’re going to pretend today that this is just a normal blog. 😉

I should get some really cool news about my book tomorrow morning. I’ll keep you all updated.

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