Saw four apartments these days. I odn’t think my brain is working anymore. I can’t decide what qualities to weigh over others. Please help.
1) Largish apartment in mildly eerie and gigantic compound that, with careful planning, will never need to be left. Said compound possesses a swimming pool, tennis court, volleyball nets, library, salon, gm, convenience store, dry cleaners… It is quite large. It looks nice. It’s very close to shops and transportation. It’s $1094/1 bdrm, all utlilities included (except cable).
2) Very small apartment across the street from aforementioned spot. No amenities. $1034, but you must pay your own electric and water. Dogs allowed. Available immediately.
3) Sight unseen apartment with nice looking floorplan, ideal placement to transport and amenities, large walk in closets, and a pool. $1098, with all utilities included.
4) Urban high rise apartment, decently large, north facing, $980 per month with an old fashioned kitchen and a nice bathroom, large bedroom, and $95 extra for parking. Good area, slightly sketchy environs.
2 is out. I’m interested in seeing 3, but Sailor Boy could do without it. He had a friend there and isn’t a fan. 4 doesn’t have much to offer us in the way of “extras” and is farther away from the transport than the others. 1 is nice, but if we end up at the far end of the compound, it would be REALLY far from transport. I honestly can’t form my mind around a flowchart…
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