Frequently Asked Questions
Q: "How do you pronounce your last name?"
A: I pronounce it "Peter-froind" (think "Freud" with an N), but if that's too hard for you, "Peter-friend" works great. That's what it means in German, anyway, and it's how my dad and grandfather pronounce it.Q: "Is there going to be a third book in the killer unicorn series (that started with Rampant & Ascendant)?"
A: Yes, someday. I don't have a title, publisher, or release date yet, though. But I promise I have not abandoned Astrid! Meanwhile, enjoy the killer unicorn short stories.Q: "How many books are in the Secret Society Girl (Ivy League Novel) series?"
A: There are four books in the series. The correct reading order is: Secret Society Girl, Under the Rose, Rites of Spring (Break), and Tap & Gown.Q: "Are you going to write any more books in the Secret Society Girl (Ivy League Novel) series?"
A: Tap & Gown is the last book in the series. (It's time for Amy and me to graduate!) If you're interested in reading further in the series, check out the free secret stories.
Category Archives: polls
Great post by Maureen Johnson over at Ask Daphne yesterday in response to this question: “Recently I’ve read a few books where a character is introduced a few chapters into the story and the narrator/main character describes her as “black” … Continue reading
Posted in polls, writing industry, writing life, YA
For someone who doesn’t have a TV, I certainly watched a lot of it and talked about it a lot this past week. No, the show I was speaking of in Monday’s post is not MI5. I’ve actually never even … Continue reading
Posted in giveaway winners, polls, television, veronica mars