Costume Party

You know what’s annoying? When you come back from a trip or an event or other occasion in which you take pictures and discover that the pictures that you took are not as good as you thought they were and that you should have taken more/better ones just to be sure.

So tonight I was at the costume party dessert at the New England Conference and everyone looked fab, and most of the pictures came out terribly. In fact, I’m not even going to post them, because I haven’t gotten permission of the people involved whom I, skillful photog that I am, apparently have a knack for capturing while they make the most awkward and unflattering facial expressions. And it’s too bad, because Marley’s Jaqueline Susann and Elizabeth Mahon’s Lady Macbeth were truly stunning. Jennifer O’Connell was there, dressed in a chef outfit as the pastry chef Lauren Gallagher from her book, Dress Rehearsal. Oh dear, my pics are bad. I will no longer be making fun of SB’s photography skills.

The only decent shot was this one: Mari Mancusi as Rayne, the Goth teen, from her book Stake That! (and Boys that Bite and Girls Who Growl) and me as Amy from SSG. Kristin Nelson took the picture, and convinced us to do it “in character” which I think saved the picture. I’m being secretive (the pomegranate martini is key here) and Marianne is doing a dead on adolescent petulant.

You can’t really see my pin, though, or get the full force of the “Bugaboo” t-shirt I’m wearing.

Like I said, how annoying. The party was great, though! So many people were dressed up! In medieval Turkish outfits and Victorian wedding gowns with bustles and regency heroes and vampire slayers and this amazing ghost of a strangled woman with a really well done bruise mark on her throat shaped like a hand. Shocking!

I’ll be back on Monday with a conference re-cap.

Posted in writing life

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