DULL BOY Giveaway (Updated)

So as most of you know, a few months back, I went to Ireland to stay in a castle with a bunch of other YA authors. While I was there, I got to know the inimitable Sarah Cross, who is the only ninja I know who wears pink. Though it makes sense. In today’s colorful world, pink actually blends in better. Like, say her target is shopping at the GAP. No one would ever see her coming.

Here is a very rare photo of Sarah Cross:

Here is one, in her “civilian” gear, no doubt plotting something dastardly and secretive with known Gallagher Girl spy and art thief Ally Carter:

So anyway, after I escaped their nefarious clutches and came home, I got my hands on an ARC of Sarah Cross’s debut novel, DULL BOY:

And it BLEW MY MIND. It’s funny, imaginative, fast-paced, colorful, action-packed, heartbreaking, and filled with all kinds of asides and in-jokes for folks who like superheroes. It’s about a boy named Avery who discovers he has superpowers… and that’s just the beginning.

And it came out last Thursday! Go! Run! Get your copy now!

I’m also going to be giving away THREE copies of DULL BOY right here on the blog. And here’s what you have to do to win one:

  • 1 entry: for leaving a comment here telling me what your superhero name would be, if you were a superhero.
  • 2 entries: for going to The Hero Factory, making yourself a superhero, and sending me/posting the picture. (It’s great fun and takes about thirty seconds).
  • 3 entries: for doing one of the above AND posting it to your own blog with a link back to this contest (make sure to leave a comment here telling me you did so).

Contest lasts through the weekend. Winners will be announced on Monday.

UPDATES: I’m loving all the entries, guys! A short note, if you link us to the page you designed your superhero on at the factory, it does NOT save, and merely takes us to the generic “creation” page. You have to press the little download tab, save the file (it will be called “MyHero.jpg” then post it on a blog, website, or photo-storage site like flickr, photobucket. Twitpic, etc.

ALSO, Command Decision: If your “blog” merely consists of posts of you pointing to other contests/giveaways on the web and possesses NO OTHER CONTENT WHATSOEVER, it’s not a real blog, and will not qualify for an extra entry to the contest. I’m not saying you have to be dooce or Felicia Day, here, and I’m not saying that you have to have a review blog (though I’m amazed bby how many of you do! Wow!) just that you have an actual blog. You can talk about your pet mouse, or the weird stuff you found in your locker at the end of term, or your undying love for Edward Cullen, or your undying love for Tally Youngblood, or your undying love for Severus Snape. I don’t judge. Blogs consist of content, not scraping, and not solely of “entries” into contests. That’s this blogger’s decision.

Posted in bookaholic, giveaways, other writers, Uncategorized