Goal Check in, Month 1

January was a tough month for us. Rio was sick for a lot of it, we were sick for the rest. But other than that…

  1. Declutter bedroom: Didn’t get very far on this.
  2. Organize attic, basement, and spare closet: Didn’t even start.
  3. Get rid of unused furniture: This month for sure!
  4. Lots of yard stuff: it’s January. We’ll survive.
  5. Fix refrigerator ice machine: I really need to get on this.
  6. Spend quality time with Sailor Boy: We went out to dinner for my birthday and shared a stomach flu. Does that count?
  7. Spend quality time with Queenie: Man, she’s fun to hang out with!
  8. Put Rio in agility (or similar) classes:This didn’t happen, owing to me being so busy making sure that Rio did not die.
  9. Take Rio for a hike at least once a week: see above. I actually went on a hike with her today (Feb 3) for the first time this year. I’m SO relieved she’s better.
  10. Promote the six new releases and four reprints I have coming out in 2012: Got started on this.
  11. Pursuant to previous, update website! Ah, finally. Something to cross off.
  12. Finish Major Secret Marketing Effort for FDSTS #1. Two things.
  13. Finish MSMEfFDSTS#2. Barely started on this one.
  14. Finish new book: Soooooooooo close.
  15. Finish Secret Project #1. On hold for a moment.
  16. Finish Secret Project #2. Or, you know, start it.
  17. Attend at least two writing-related conferences. Not sure which yet.
  18. Get invited to at least one short story anthology. Done! Woo hoo, universe!
  19. Follow up with co-conspirators re: Secret Project #3. Hear me, co-conspirators? I haven’t forgotten!
  20. Pursuant to 18, above: Write new short story.
Posted in goals, writing life

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