goods and bads

When I woke up this morning, my backache had disappeared.
My business cards came in the mail today and they are just as gorgeous as I’d hoped.
I got a lovely invitation to a party in Reno next week.
I watched two great movies in the last two days (Lola Rennt and American Graffiti).
I’ve broken the two-digit mark for “pages left to write.”

Sailor Boy is still gone. 🙁
I have no idea what to do with some of the revisions I got back on my most recent paper at work.
Some chicken shit, lowlife, pond scum-sucking naked mole rat pigfucker has stolen my credit card and charged $2000 dollars to it in the last three days. Bitches. Bastasrds. Fuckwads.

I’m on the phone with Visa. Nice, lovely Visa, who will help me.

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