I’m not much in the mood for blogging today. It’s been a rough weekend for me for a variety of reasons not fit for blogging ears. I hope to have fabu news on Monday.
In the meantime, and completely on a different topic, has any one else noticed this phenomenon? Once you are a writer, people respond to any disagreement, political, aesthetic, what-have-you, with threats not to read your book and to tell everyone they know not to read it either? I was reading some blog the other day about bad covers, and any time someone disagreed with someone else’s definition of a bad cover the first thing they did was swear that they’d never buy any of the person’s books again and blah blah blah, usually signing off with an officious “You’ve just lost yourself a reader, Ms. Blank.”
To them, it probably reads as “hit them in the pocketbook” but to me, it reads “And your mama wears army boots!” It’s so off-topic and random.
I can’t imagine how many people I’ve turned off of my books because I dislike, among other things:
1. Super low cut jeans
2. Saxophone music
3. jellyfish
4. “intelligent design”
5. Scary-looking zombie-like creatures (who aren’t zombies) on computer generated romance novel covers
Ah well. Good riddance?
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