Help me with my New FAQ

So, as part of the redesign of my website, I’m putting up a new FAQ. I already have some of my biggest hits down (**cough**cough**wereyouinasecretsociety**cough**cough**) but I’m sure there’s stuff I’m missing.

One of my recent faves: Why would otherwise intelligent, Ivy-League educated students let themselves become slaves to the weird rituals in a secret society?

Diana: Why would otherwise intelligent people paint their faces and do the wave at football games? Why would they kiss under mistletoe? Why would they blow out candles on a birthday cake? If you stop and think about some of the rituals you participate in, don’t they seem silly? “Ooh, I’m going to cover this lovely cake with burning sticks of wax and then I’m going to breathe and spit all over it before giving it to my friends to eat.” Now that’s weird. But we do these things all the time because it’s part of societal norms. It doesn’t seem odd, and everyone else who is part of our society does the same thing. If you think about it in those terms, it doesn’t seem so silly, and the people who particpate in it as part of a special group, it’s nothing more than a game — like dressing up on Halloween, holding your glass up to toast people’s health and good fortune, cheering for your school/team/country at a sports event. They aren’t slaves, they’re participants, doing things of their own free will that doesn’t hurt them or anyone else.

Of course, I could just find FAQ questions based on what has brought people to my site recently. Stuff like:

  • the analysis of under the rose by diana peterfreund (looks like someone is doing a book report)
  • free reads (Well, aside from the Great Blog Voice Experiment, not so much)
  • kill your darlings (a perennial fave!)
  • out of fashion sparkly jeans (since I was in college, yes)
  • passive voice is 12% good or bad (Huh? I wonder if they mean “using it 12% of the time” Either way, passive voice is perfectly fine. Use it as needed and directed.)
  • mystery novel three acts inciting incident (I use four-act, myself.)
  • characters in under the rose by diana peterfreund (Book-report person, back again)
  • diane peterfreund (close enough!)
  • passive voice it takes a long time to think of these example sentences. (I’m guessing this is our 12% friend, again. I don’t think it would, if you were trying to find sample sentences. But maybe they were searching for a particular article and that’s the only sentence they could remember?)

What questions would you like to see answered on my FAQ? Ask away here, in the comments section. Anonymous is fine.

All commenters entered to win a prize. Gee, wonder what it could be? 😉

Posted in diversions, writing life

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