lotsa news!

Sorry I’ve been MIA from the blog for the last few days. I went down to Florida to see some family, attend my RWA chapter meeting and fix some problems with my restaurant reviews (the restaurant I’d scheduled had to close due to fire). So much happened to me this weekend, I have about ten blog entries worth, but I’m going to start with the most important news:

I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!

I got the news yesterday, after a long, involved application, testing and interviewing process, and I start on March 21st. I’m so excited I could burst. I can’t wait to dig my heels in, meet my new coworkers, and actually do something worthwhile. I think this is going to be a major new page in my life — heaven knows I needed one, the last one was completely blue with ink!

Those of you who know me well know what an incredible weight this is off my shoulders, and how it completely refutes the experience of the last few months. I got this job, on my own, over the transom. Less than a month ago, my most recent in a string of musical bosses told me that I’d be a fool not to sit back and shovel up every helping of mistreatment, negligence and apathy that my company was handing to me, because I’d never find anything better. At the time, I thought it was a classic line of mental abuse: substitute a man saying to his battered spouse, “you’ll never get it so good anywhere else, bitch,” and it’s downright eerie. But until yesterday, I was worried that he was right. There had to be something wrong with me — I had the proof in front of me, week after week, that my work was good, usually better, than other people in the company, yet every time I tried to do something more, I hit up against a brick wall. For whatever reason, my company had pigeonholed me, and if I was ever going to change my situation, it would have to be somewhere else.

And now I’ve found another place, with better pay, better offices, better hours, better benefits, and staff that likes to count their employment in the decades rather than the weeks! I hope this is the start of great things to come.

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