
Well, the deadline thing is really cranking up now, my friends, so you might not see much of me in the coming days. I’ve been writing my tail off.

(Secret) Society Girl
52621 / 70000 (75.17%)

I’ve officially hit the final quarter of the book, folks. Wow. Just think. A mere 25% more and I’ll be done with my first ever contracted novel! Woo hoo!

That is, if I manage to wind it all up in the next 17k words. Things are looking pretty grim for my protag at the moment. But that’s really where it gets fun, isn’t it? When you’ve got them in such a major pickle that they don’t know where to turn?

::insert evil laugh:: Ah, poor Amy. What a cruel creator she’s got. But you know, she’s also been given a lot of very good things by me. I won’t detail them all, but I will say that most of us would be very pleased to have received the sort of attention that she received in this last chapter from the sort of individual from whom she received it. So I’m not entirely devoid of grace.

But boy, is she going to pay now!


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