Tuesday To Do List

Sylvia posted her enormous To Do List recently, and I was thinking how similar it seems to mine:


1) Finish judging six GH entries, due March.
2) Judge 11 Marlene entries, due February 23.
3) Read book for blurb.
4) Ready workshop for Saturday.
5) Finish outline for SSG2, due Feb. 28.
6) Write proposal for SSG2.
7) Write Judy Blume Essay, due Feb. 10.
8) Write newsletter.
9) Work on website content (must be live March 27).
10) Work on marketing plan for debut.
11) Blog daily.

Plus I would really like to write a new proposal. Everyone has been sell sell selling new projects all over the place, adn every time I read about them, I get that itch. I wanna sell something else! Of course, I gotta *write* something else, first. ;=) But look at that schedule! Who has the time?

Anyway, congrats to Novelique, aka Gena Showalter, who has once again proved that she is Not Like Other Writers (I think she’s sold nine or ten projects in as many months), and to Rachel, who made her first sale, at auction, in the form of a trilogy to Luna! (And, ahem, also to someone else who sold another book but can’t announce it yet. You know who you are.)

Addendum: Reading comprehension, people. I said “someone else who sold another book.” So not me, and not a first sale. But seriously, keep that good energy coming for the guesses you’ve already made. Everyone wants a sale. 😉

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