I just can’t stop.
Veronica Mars:
Then I started doing one for Gossip Girl, but 1) I ran out of room, and 2) I’m about halfway through season four, and a wrench just got thrown into my design. I’m going to need to start employing curvy lines. Or at least catch up on the show before I try to parse ALLLLLLLL the pairings.
Meanwhile, I’m drafting away on my new secret project, codename PIMP (I know — naughty, naughty, right?) and am deeeeep into research. Research is a funny, funny thing. For instance, these are a few of the things I’ve been researching while working on my latest novel:
- orphan diseases
- Alexander McQueen
- sericulture
- Santorini
- taro
- juvenile canities
- Huntington’s disease
- animals in the family Mustelidae
- biomolecular computing
- solar sails
- coral spawn
- geothermal power
- hair dye and bleaching techniques
- ziplining
- rock cutting
- kites
My mind goes to strange places.
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