Seriously… to do.

1. Launch Party Invite List (will finish today!)
2. Plane Tickets to Atlanta (Boo-yah! $208 bay-bee!)
3. CP Read (made some headway on this yesterday)
4. Write 10 pages of SSG2.
5. Send out mail.
6. Go to Staples and pick up stuff to make an office.
7. Write Shawn about promo.
8. Write blurb for author’s debut.
9. Do internet interview.
10. Finish tweaks for website.
11. Make appointment for car service
12. Apply for pool pass.
13. Order promo items.
14. GCC post.

Heather, the coding is what is called “strikeout.” It’s made with an “<"s">” (take out the quotation marks) and a “<"/"s">” around whatever it is you want struck out.

Okay, I’m off to get some of this To Do off my list, but then I’ll be back.

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