Diana Peterfreund
About Diana Peterfreund

Diana Peterfreund has published fifteen novels for adults, teens, and kids, including the four-book Secret Society Girl series, the “killer unicorn novels” Rampant and Ascendant, For Darkness Shows the Stars (a post-apocalyptic retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion), and Across a Star-Swept Sea (inspired by the classic series The Scarlet Pimpernel). Her middle grade trilogy, Omega City, are contemporary adventure novels for younger readers set in a secret bunker city somewhere under modern Maryland. Her CLUE mysteries were written in partnership with Hasbro to bring the classic board game to life for the modern teen.

Her works have been named to the New York Public Library’s Books for the Teen Age list, the Capitol Choices (metro DC-area) reading list, the Texas LoneStar List, and the Sunshine State Young Reader Awards List, as well as having been named to Amazon’s Best Books of the Year. In addition, she’s written dozens of critically acclaimed short stories and a variety of non-fiction essays about  popular children’s literature.  Diana lives outside Washington D.C., with her family.