Brazillian Covers and NaNo Haterz

Look what I found (no, my publisher doesn’t send it to me, I have to track it down online myself). It’s the cover of the Brazilian version of Tap & Gown, which is called SOCIEDADE SECRETA: ESCOLHAS DE FORMATURA.

(This translates, according to Google, as “Choices for Graduation”. I have no idea if that’s as clever as “Tap & Gown”.)

Tap & Gown, by Diana Peterfreund

The black bar makes it a much more “serious” cover than the US version, but I think it fits with the series as they’ve been packaged in Brazil.

So there you have it! End of an era. (Of course, Brazilians still get to look forward to the release of Rampant and Ascendant, coming soon…)

You can also find me on Genreality today, defending NaNo from the pros who seem to like kicking it around. (Hint: it’s a game, people. Chill out.)

Posted in Brazil, genreality, SSG

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