Dragon*Con Recap, Part 1

Sorry for the radio silence, folks. I appear to have picked up what folks keep telling me is officially called, “con crud”. (And then SB tells me they had a verified case of H1N1 at some other big con this weekend and I’m like, oh, crud!)

This had better not be that. I have a book to revise.

So, as I’m mainlining matzoh ball soup and orange juice, let me tell you a bit about my experiences at my very very first Dragon*Con.

Discovery the First: Geekdom is a small small world. Take for example my first night there, where a dinner with fans of my friend C.L. Wilson ended up including a video game designer who not only used to work with my brother, but actually gave him his pet cat. This discovery, by hte way was made while sitting at a table with a centerpiece of a giant statue of Pope John Paul II while wearing the outfit of a clockwork can-can dancer. Which leads me to…

Discovery the Second: Costumes are fun! Behold:

Me as a clockwork can-can dancer, being wound up by a clockwork patron (Actually, his clockwork beat the pants off mine. It actually wound up, for REAL.)

Rainbow Brite! Oh, 80s! How I’ve missed thee!

Lots of Watchmen. These were three of the better ones. Rorshach was especially popular this year.

Dude’s Dark Mark tattoo looked real. Possibly was real. So awesome.

This is how the conversation went in the lobby of the Hyatt when I saw this guy:

Diana: Look, it’s 9!
C.L. Wilson: Like from District Nine?
Diana: No, 9!
C.L. Wilson: You mean like from The Nines?
Diana: No! Nine! 9!
C.L. Wilson’s sister: Like German for “no?”

I hung out with Marianne Mancusi on Saturday night, while she was dressed as Zombie Bo Peep. It was one of the coolest costumes I saw the entire con, but it bugged me that people kept calling to her as “Bloody Bo Peep.” Dude, there’s very clearly a brain on the end of her crook there. What is it with people not getting the zombie aspects of zombie costumes? Last Halloween, when I dressed up as Wedding Night of the Living Dead with SB, people kept asking us if we were supposed to be “Corpse Bride.” Um, well, there’s a dude here, so, what? Is he “corpse groom?” Also, we were very clearly bloody and slavering for brains.

To make a long story short, I was thrilled whenever I heard anyone go “Zombie Bo Peep! Can I get a picture?”

Okay, time for more cold medicine. I’ll post more later!

Posted in writing life

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