The Wave Rises…

Today, an excerpt from Extras, the #1 New York Times Bestseller by Scott Westerfeld:

“Come on, Hiro,” she said. “Unicorns aren’t real, and I know stuff about them. Like… they have horns on their foreheads. And they can fly!”

Hiro groaned. “No, that’s Pegasus that flies. Unicorns just have a horn.”

Now, I ask you. What can that possibly be except a shout-out to yours truly?

Take that, Justine. Guess we know where your old man falls on that all important unicorn/zombie divide. I’ve yet to see a zombie reference in this novel. Also, thanks Scott, for clearing up the confusion, even if we do have to wait until the future.

However, I must disagree. Unicorns are real. And they are very, very dangerous…

Posted in Justine, Scott, unicorns

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