Yay, I found my camera cord! So now you can see what I’ve been up to recently.
A little of this:
And a lot of this:
Note the Kindle. I’m not head over heels in love with it, but it did come in handy when Sailor Boy, on the next beach chair over, said “I feel like reading Snow Crash,” and five seconds later I gave it to him. Now, of course, he wants this t-shirt.
We also went sailing, but not as much as I thought we were going to.
My mom’s in town this week, so I’ve been hanging out with her, and her awesome sheepdog, Harry. (Or Uncle Harry, as we refer to him to Rio, who is his niece if you do the familial math.) Rio and Harry are the approximately the same age, and they love playing with each other. They also love each other’s food, and we spent the first half of the week devising creative ways to keep them in their own kibble bowls, and the second half of the week giving up and letting them do what they wanted.
And, because we all deserve something spectacular this weekend, I present to you Mr Greg Wise (otherwise known as Willoughby and Mr Emma Thompson) reading The Letter from Persuasion. Be still my beating heart. (Sorry, can’t embed.)
Yes, Darkness is going very well. Why do you ask?
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