Yay. Figured out how to get screenshots. Probably going to be torturing you all with them for a while. So last night, Sailor Boy and I hit level 36 on our adorable draenei couple. Four more ’til elephant, as I have been saying.
We also made a brilliant discovery. Every race in WOW has their own way of lying down. Undead, for instance, lie on their backs with their arms crossed over their chest in classic “corpse” pose.
Draenei… spoon. Don’t believe me? Check it out:They’re even holding their little purple hands.
Yeah, we’re nauseating. But I couldn’t resist. especially since I know you all want to see what Sailor Boy really looks like. Well, here you have it. He has purple skin, and goat legs, and a long tail, and tentacles growing out of his face.
Okay, back to the serious genre discussion going on below.
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